Publius Metilius Nepos

Publius Metilius Nepos (c. 45 - 118) was a Roman politician during the late 1st century.

He was the son of Publius Metilius (b. c. 20). He was Consul Suffectus in 91 and was appointed Governor of Britannia sometime before the murder of the Emperor Domitian in 96, perhaps 92, 94 or 95, or at least Legatus pro praetore in 98. Probably Metilius Nepos founded the colonies of Colonia Domitiana Lindensium (Lincoln) and Colonia Nervia Glevensium (Gloucester).

He later became a Frater Arvale in 105 and 118, the year of his death.

He was the father of another Publius Metilius Nepos, Consul Ordinarius in 103 or 104 and again designated for 128, dying in 127 or 128, who married Pontia and had issue Publius Metilius Secundus Nepos, Consul Suffectus in 123, married to Aquilia, with female issue.


Preceded by
Unknown, previously Sallustius Lucullus
Roman governors of Britain Succeeded by
Tiberius Avidius Quietus